to meet the legal duties of the governors as the employers in a voluntary aided school;

to clarify the means whereby members of staff are given supplementary payments;

to clarify the means whereby staff are selected for redundancy.


The governors, in the light of the recent Pay and Conditions document, have decided that should finances from savings allow, they will consider temporary allowances for staff who have made a noteworthy contribution to the school in the previous year. The Governors feel that they may not be able to offer enhanced salaries to the headteacher or to the deputy head teachers; however, the policy of annual supplements for ' noteworthy contributions' does not exclude the senior staff, who can be nominated along with other members of staff.

Should circumstances (eg the number of pupils on roll affecting the funding) so determine in any particular year that it becomes necessary for the governors to declare a member of the teaching staff redundant, a decision as to who will be made redundant will be made using specified criteria.



annually consider the salary of the headteacher and the assistant headteachers;

discuss with the headteacher and other senior staff the nature of the 'noteworthy contribution';

note the recommendations of senior staff;

in considering staff to be rewarded, heed the priorities listed by SMT;

review the situation annually;

determine those members of staff who will have to be made redundant because of circumstances affecting the running of the school according to the following criteria, followed in strict order;

the short term curricular needs of the school;

the long term curricular needs as outlined in the school development plan;

the school management, budgetary and organisational needs in the present structure;

the school management, budgetary and organisational needs in the future structure;

offer advice and support to all members of staff affected by redundancy or the threat of redundancy through seeking professional advice from the LEA.

4. The execution of this policy shall be monitored by the Governors.