to ensure that those pupils joining St Peter's from a Gloucestershire RC primary
school find the transition as comfortable as possible;
to welcome new pupils to the school;
to market the school honestly and attractively so that all those parents who might
want to secure a place at St Peter's for their child are aware of what the school
has to offer.
Members of the senior staff and the (prospective) year 7 Assistant Head of Year
(Academic) visit major feeder primary schools in the autumn prior to transfer,
to meet parents and to present information about St Peter's to them.
Heads of the major feeder schools are invited to the High School at least once
a year for a liaison meeting.
Heads of the major feeder schools and their staff are invited to major concerts
and other functions at the High School.
i The Head of Year 7 should
monitor liaison in key National Curriculum subjects;
organise teacher exchanges between the primary school and St Peter's High School;
organise transfer of information on curriculum matters between the two schools,
including examples of work for individual departments;
talk to all year 6 teachers, and arrange pupil visits from their primary schools
to St Peter's;
visit primary schools with the year 7 Assistant Head of Year (Academic) to garner
as much assessment information as possible about new intake pupils;
visit classes in primary schools during the autumn term of year 6;
transfer information on pupils between primary schools and year 7 tutors;
work with the head of the learning support centre on identifying pupils from year
6 schools with learning difficulties;
arrange a 'Fun Evening' for year 6 pupils coming to St Peter's in the summer term;
review the induction programme annually.
iii 11-16 Management should
support the head of year 7, and offer assistance where required.
4. The execution of this policy shall be monitored by the 11-16 management group.