PSHE and Citizenship Policy document.

St PeterŐs High School.


1.PSHE and Citizenship - working definition.


Everything that the school undertakes to promote the personal and social development of its students including their physical, intellectual, spiritual, cultural and moral well-being. This will include planned learning experiences across the curriculum as well as development through the Catholic Christian ethos of the school and via the many opportunities created inside and outside school for students to show a sense of responsibility and participation in society locally, nationally and globally.


2. Aims.



Specifically for Citizenship:



achieved through:



3. Content.



4. Organisation and co-ordination of PSHE and Citizenship.



5. Co-ordinating PSHE and Citizenship.


The role of the PSHE and Citizenship co-ordinator is:


6. Staff development.




This policy to be reviewed in line with the school improvement plan.