St PeterÕs Catholic High School

& Sixth Form Centre




Version 2                            July 2011





1.                           The schoolÕs Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team recognise and accept their responsibilities both under law and also under Gloucestershire County Council delegation for local management of schools.  As responsible employers and persons in control of premises, the requirement to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees and others affected by the schoolÕs activities is acknowledged.

2.                           The school is committed to ensuring that risk assessments are undertaken, control measures implemented and systems are continuously monitored and reviewed.

3.                           In compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the schoolÕs Governing Body will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that:

3.1     the premises are maintained in a safe condition.

3.2     safe access to and exit from the premises is maintained.

3.3     all plant and equipment is safe to use.

3.4     appropriate safe systems of work exist and are maintained including for offsite visits.

3.5     sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision is available and provided.

3.6     arrangements exist for the safe use, handling and storage of articles and substances at work.

3.7     a healthy working environment is maintained, including adequate welfare facilities.


4.      In addition to the above commitment, the Governing Body also recognises its obligations to non-employees.  Where it is reasonably foreseeable that students, visitors, trainees, members of the public, contractors, etc., are or may be affected by the school activities, the Governing Body will make the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision available to ensure the safety of those affected.  As an education provider we also must set standards by example for our students and therefore this commitment is seen as especially important.



5.      The school will embrace additional learning needs (including special educational needs) and disability issues when developing and implementing health and safety arrangements.


6.      The Governing Body will ensure, within its allocated resources, to set aside adequate finance for the policy statement to be properly implemented.


7.      The Governing Body is committed to this policy and all staff are required to comply as a condition of employment.  They are encouraged to support the Governing BodyÕs commitment to continuous improvement in health and safety performance. For the policy to be effectively implemented the school must have the full co‑operation of employees and others who use the premises.  Employees are reminded of their own duties:


7.1     to take care of their own safety and that of others and;

7.2     to co‑operate with the Governing Body and Senior Management Team so that they can carry out their own responsibilities successfully.

7.3  to ensure they familiarise themselves with the need to make reasonable adjustments for physically and mentally disabled persons.


8.      All relevant Regulations and Codes of Practice will be complied with as necessary.


9.      Consultation with employee representatives will be held as and when appropriate on all matters affecting the health and/or safety of employees concerned.


10.         A copy of this statement has been provided to every member of staff. Copies are posted on staff notice-boards and an electronic copy is available in the Staff folder on the school computer network.  This policy statement and the accompanying organisation and arrangements will be reviewed at least annually and revised as and when necessary.


11.         This policy statement, together with the organisational structure and the following arrangements and procedures, has been approved by the schoolÕs Governing Body.




Jim Stenson                 Signature _______________  Date:__________

(Chair of Governors)


Endorsed by:


Lawrence Montagu      Signature _______________  Date:__________

(Head Teacher)









In order to achieve compliance with the Governing BodyÕs Statement of Intent, the schoolÕs normal management structure has additional responsibilities assigned to them as detailed in this part of the Policy


The organisational chart for Health and Safety Management is attached; Appendix 1.


1.0       The Duties of The Governing Body


1.1         In the discharge of its duty, the Governing Body, in consultation with the Headteacher, will:


1.1.1    Ensure that there is an effective and enforceable policy for the provision of health and safety throughout the school;

1.1.2    Periodically assess the effectiveness of this policy and ensure that any necessary revisions are made;

1.1.3    Identify and evaluate all risks relating to;

¤       the premises

¤       school activities

¤       educational visits

¤       school-sponsored events

1.1.4    Identify and evaluate risk control measures in order to select the most appropriate means of minimising risk to staff, students and others;

1.1.5    Create and monitor the management structure to enable the implementation of health and safety.


1.2         In particular the Governing Body undertakes to provide:


1.2.1    a safe place for staff and students to work including safe means of entry and exit;

1.2.2    plant, equipment and systems of work which are safe;

1.2.3    safe arrangements for the handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;

1.2.4    safe and healthy working conditions which take into account all appropriate

¤       statutory requirements

¤       codes of practice

¤       guidance







1.2.5    supervision, training and instruction so that all governors, staff and students can perform their school-related activities in a healthy and safe manner. All staff will be given health and safety training which is appropriate to their duties and responsibilities. Wherever training is required by statute or considered necessary for the safety of staff, students and others, the Governing Body will ensure that such training is provided.    

Students will receive information as considered appropriate to the school-related activities which they are carrying out.  All training will be regularly updated;

1.2.6    the required safety and protective equipment and clothing together with information on its use;

1.2.7    adequate welfare facilities;

1.2.8    for the recognition of additional learning needs (including special educational needs) and disabilities and to be proactive when planning changes so that additional, special and disability needs are incorporated


1.3         So far as is reasonably practicable the Governing Body, through the Headteacher, will make arrangements for all staff, including temporary, voluntary staff and helpers and those on fixed term contracts to receive comprehensive information on:


1.3.1    this policy;

1.3.2    all other relevant health and safety matters;

1.3.3    the instruction and training that will be given to all employees so that they may carry out their duties in a safe manner without placing themselves or others at risk.




2.0       The Duties of the Headteacher


2.1         As well as the general duties of all members of staff, the Headteacher has responsibility for the day-to-day maintenance and development of safe working practices and conditions for teaching staff, support staff, students, visitors and any others using the premises or engaged in activities sponsored by the school and will take all reasonably practicable steps to achieve this end through the curriculum team leaders, senior members of staff, teachers and others as appropriate.


The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that the school embraces additional learning needs (including special educational needs) and disability issues when developing and implementing health and safety arrangements.









2.2         The Headteacher is required to take all necessary and appropriate action to ensure that proper health and safety standards are maintained at all times.


           In particular, the Headteacher will, on a day-to-day basis, be responsible


¬     ensuring safe working conditions of the school premises and facilities;

¬     ensuring, at all times, the health, safety and welfare of staff, students and others using the school premises or facilities or services or attending or taking part in school-sponsored activities

¬     ensuring safe working practices and procedures throughout the school so that all risks are controlled;

¬     arranging systems of risk assessment to allow the prompt identification of potential hazards, and where appropriate ensure that the Governing Body are made aware of the findings;

¬     identifying the training needs of staff and students and ensure that all members of staff and students who have identified training needs receive adequate and appropriate training and instruction in health and safety matters;

¬     ensuring that any defects in the premises, its plant, equipment or facilities which relate to or may affect the health and safety of staff, students and others are made safe in a timescale commensurate with the risk;

¬     collating accident and incident information and, when necessary, carrying out accident, incident and near miss investigations and implementing any remedial action to prevent reoccurrence;

¬     monitoring the standards of health and safety throughout the school, including all school-based activities;

¬     monitoring the management structure, in consultation with the governors; consulting with members of staff, including safety representatives, on health and safety issues; and

¬     requiring staff and others to promote health and safety.




3.0       The Duties of Supervisory Staff (This includes the Senior Management Team, Heads of Departments, Heads of Years, Site Manager and other Team Leaders)


3.1             In addition to the general duties which all members of staff have, supervisory staff will be directly responsible to the School Health and Safety Manager, as the member of staff nominated by the Headteacher to have overall day-to-day responsibility for the implementation and operation of the schoolÕs health and safety policy, within their relevant teams and areas of responsibility.







3.2             As part of their day-to-day responsibilities they will ensure that:

3.2.1       safe methods of working exist and are implemented throughout their area of responsibility;

3.2.2       health and safety regulations, rules, procedures and codes of practice are being applied effectively;

3.2.3       staff, students and others under their jurisdiction are instructed in safe working practices;

3.2.4       new employees working within their area are given instructions in safe working practices; risk assessments are conducted in their area of responsibility as required by the Headteacher or as necessary;

3.2.5       The SENCO has specific responsibility for assessing students with additional learning needs (including special educational needs) and coordinating the required risk assessments and communicating these with staff;

3.2.6       regular safety inspections are made of their area of responsibility as required by the Headteacher or as necessary;

3.2.7       positive, corrective action is taken where necessary to ensure the health and safety of all staff, students and others;

3.2.8       all plant, machinery and equipment in the area in which they work is adequately guarded, in safe working order and restricted to authorised persons only;

3.2.9       appropriate protective clothing and equipment, first aid and fire equipment is provided and readily available in the area in which they work;

3.2.10   hazardous and highly flammable substances in the area in which they work are correctly stored and labelled, and exposure is minimised;

3.2.11   they monitor the standard of health and safety throughout the area in which they work and encourage staff, students and others to achieve the highest practicable standards of health and safety;

3.2.12   all health and safety information is communicated to the relevant persons and

3.2.13   they report any health and safety concerns to the School Health and Safety Officer.


4.0       Duties Of Class Teachers


4.1                Class teachers are required to:

4.1.1       exercise effective supervision of their students and to know the procedures in respect of fire, first aid and other emergencies, and to carry them out.

4.1.2       ensure that they are aware of additional learning needs (including special educational needs) risk assessments and the particular health and safety considerations, and address the specific needs of such students in their learning environment.

4.1.3       follow the particular health and safety measures to be adopted in their own teaching areas as laid down in the relevant Codes of Practice e.g. CLEAPS and to ensure that they are applied.

4.1.4       give clear oral and written instructions and warnings to students where necessary.

4.1.5       follow safe working procedures personally, acting as role models.

4.1.6       Ensure that studentsÕ coats, bags etc are stowed away.

4.1.7       require the use of protective clothing and guards where necessary.

4.1.8       make recommendations to the School Health and Safety Manager or Head of Year on health and safety equipment and on additions or necessary improvements to systems, plant, tools, equipment or machinery.

4.1.9       integrate all relevant aspects of safety into the teaching process and, where necessary, give special lessons on health and safety in line with National Curriculum requirements for safety education.

4.1.10    avoid introducing personal items of equipment (both electrical and mechanical) into the school without prior authorisation; and

4.1.11    report all accidents, defects, dangerous occurrences and near misses to the School Health and Safety Manager or their Head of Department.


5.0       Duties of All Employees [including temporary staff and volunteers]


5.1        Apart from any specific responsibilities which may have been delegated to  them, all employees must:

5.1.1       act with due care for the health, safety and welfare of themselves, other employees and other persons

5.1.2       particular care must be taken to address the requirements of individuals with additional learning needs (including special educational needs) when planning and undertaking work tasks

5.1.3       observe all instructions on health and safety issued by the School or any other person delegated to be responsible for a relevant aspect of health and safety

5.1.4       act in accordance with any specific Health & Safety training received

5.1.5       report all accidents in accordance with current procedure

5.1.6       co-operate with other persons to enable them to carry out their health and safety responsibilities

5.1.7       inform their Line Manager of all potential hazards to health and safety, in particular those which are of a serious or imminent danger

5.1.8       inform their Line Manager of any shortcomings they consider being in the schoolÕs health and safety arrangements

5.1.9       exercise good standards of housekeeping and cleanliness

5.1.10   know and apply the procedures in respect of fire, first aid and other emergencies

5.1.11   co-operate with Enforcement Officers of the Health and Safety Executive


5.2         All employees who authorise work to be undertaken or authorise the purchase of equipment will ensure that the health and safety implications of such work or purchase are considered; and


5.3         Employees delegated responsibilities for specific aspects of health, safety and welfare must satisfy themselves that those responsibilities as appropriate are re-assigned in their absence.  The employeeÕs immediate line manager must approve such re-assignments.


                  6.0    School Health And Safety Manager


6.1        The School Health and Safety Manager has the following responsibilities:


6.1.1       To co-ordinate and manage the annual risk assessment process for the school

6.1.2       To co-ordinate the annual general workplace monitoring inspections and performance monitoring process

6.1.3       To make provision for the inspection and maintenance of work equipment throughout the school

6.1.4       To manage the keeping of records of all health and safety activities

6.1.5       To advise the Headteacher of situations or activities which are potentially hazardous to the health and safety of staff, students and visitors

6.1.6       To ensure site staff are aware of the particular requirements and considerations of additional learning needs (including special educational needs) and disabilities, and to plan and carry out work tasks accordingly. Particular attention should be paid to noise, clear warning signs and access issues

6.1.7       To ensure that staff are adequately instructed in safety and welfare matters in connection with their specific work place and the school generally; and

6.1.8       Carrying out any other functions devolved by the Headteacher or Governing Body

6.1.9       The School Business Manager is the designated Senior Leadership Team link for Health and Safety.  His responsibility is to coordinate with the School Health and Safety Officer in the establishment and maintenance of this policy and to support him in the management of Health and Safety across the school.


7.0        School Health And Safety Representatives


7.1        The Governing Body and Headteacher recognise the need for and value of consultation on health and safety matters. Whilst the School Health and Safety Manager and Business Manager have specific delegated responsibility for Health and Safety other appropriate staff will be consulted and involved in safety systems, for example in working with the Health and Safety Manager in investigating accidents and potential hazards, pursuing employee complaints and carrying out school inspections.


8.0     Students


8.1         Students, in accordance with their age and aptitude, are expected to:


8.1.1    Exercise personal responsibility for the health and safety of themselves and others

8.1.2    Be aware of the particular requirements of additional educational needs (including special educational needs) and disabilities, and to show due consideration of the specific health and safety risks

8.1.3    Observe standards of dress consistent with safety and hygiene

8.1.4    Observe all the health and safety rules of the school and in particular the instructions of staff given in an emergency; and

8.1.5    Use and not wilfully misuse, neglect or interfere with facilities or equipment provided for their health and safety.


9.0     Visitors, Members of the Public and Volunteers


9.1     Visitors and members of the public are requested to co-operate with the

         health and safety arrangements put in place by the school to protect them  

         when using the school premises or grounds.


9.2     Where volunteers are employed to undertake work on behalf of the School they will for all intents and purposes be regarded as employees (see 5 above).  Line managers will therefore have responsibilities for undertaking, in particular, thorough risk assessment and implementation of control measures, together with ensuring that volunteers have received adequate information, instruction, training and supervision for the tasks they will be undertaking.






Health, Safety and Welfare


The following procedures and arrangements have been established within our school to minimise health and safety risks to an acceptable level

1.0       Accident Reporting, Recording and Investigation


1.1         The school will report and investigate accidents, incidents and near misses seriously and the school will adhere to the GCC SHE Procedure ÒAccident reporting and investigationÓ

1.2         In line with the SHE procedure, all staff will be encouraged to report accidents, incidents and near misses and line managers will investigate such incidents and identify and implement means to prevent a recurrence 

1.3         All completed accident/incident/near miss forms will be reported electronically using SHE Enterprise accident database.



2.0       Asbestos


2.1       to minimize risk from asbestos containing materials on the schoolÕs

           premises, the school will maintain a safe and healthy environment  by:


2.1.1    complying with all regulations and county policy concerning the control of asbestos

2.1.2    removing asbestos containing materials where the risk to building users is unacceptable

2.1.3    The Health & Safety Manager is the nominated person with responsibility for implementing the Asbestos Management Plan in compliance with The Management of Asbestos in County Council Occupied Premises guidance.


3.0       Contractors


3.1        The school follows the guidance issued by Corporate Building Services as outlined in the property log book for the selection, appointment and monitoring anyone undertaking works. These include:


3.1.1  Checking the competence of contractors and visiting workers (competence can be judged from past experience, recommendation, pre-selection evaluation e.g. CHAS or a combination taking into consideration nature and scale of the works required)

3.1.2  Examining risk assessments as appropriate to check that contractors and others have correctly interpreted any site specific conditions, etc

3.1.3  Having clearly identified personnel who are points of contact for contractors and visiting workers



3.1.4  Having all significant and unusual hazards and risks on site clearly identified.

3.1.5  Exchanging information on hazards and risks


3.2         Arrangements for monitoring and controlling works in progress. Key areas to focus attention are:

3.2.1    Segregation of traffic and pedestrians

3.2.2    Segregation of contractors and occupants of the school (where possible)

3.2.3    Safe systems of work to ensure that works undertaken within occupied areas of the premises are adequately controlled

3.2.4    Implications on fire precautions due to possible increased risk and interference with fire alarm

3.2.5    System and routes of evacuation


3.3         Communication. The school recognises that it is crucial that issues relating to premises works are communicated effectively. This includes:

3.3.1    Providing visitors with copies of appropriate hazard registers such as the asbestos register

3.3.2    Informing contractors of hazards on site

3.3.3    Asking contractors about the hazards and risks which they are bringing on site (e.g. creating noise, dust, fumes)

3.3.4    Asking contractors about any possible interference with normal working practices (e.g. re-routing of emergency escape routes)

3.3.5    Controlling access so that contractors know who may also be working on site

3.3.6    Sign-off/safe completion certificates

3.3.7    Ensuring completion of the Premises Log Book by contractors and visiting persons




               4.0     Curriculum Safety (including extended schools activities and study support)


               4.1         The school recognises that programmes of study require that students should be taught how to identify and reduce risks in the way that they work.  A balance must be achieved between independent learning and the necessary supervision to ensure safety.

               4.2         Teachers will ensure that they are familiar with all risks which might arise from the tools, equipment, materials and processes they plan for students to use. All guidance material will be reviewed where available CLEAPS, AfPE, DATA and county procedures and guidance. 

               4.3         All support staff must be made aware of and understand their role in the safety procedures and practices relating to any of the activities that they support.






               4.4         Schemes of work will be reviewed to assess the risk in all activities in order to determine:

                                             4.4.1      where close supervision is required

                                             4.4.2      suitable group size

                                             4.4.3      suitability for whole class participation

                                             4.4.4      where particular skills need to be taught

                                             4.4.5      personal protective equipment (PPE)

                                             4.4.6      levels of hygiene required



          5.0         Drugs & Medications


               5.1         Parents have the prime responsibility for their childÕs health and should provide schools with all relevant information about their childÕs medical condition. Parents, and the child if appropriate, should obtain details from their childÕs General Practitioner (GP) or paediatrician, if needed. The school nurse and specialist voluntary bodies will be approached to provide additional background information for staff.

               5.2         It is recognised that there is no legal duty requiring the school or school staff to administer medicines. However the school recognises that students with medical needs have the same rights of admission to a school as other students.

               5.3         The schoolÕs Administration of Medicines Policy details the specific controls and management for the administration of medicines and in particular the specific controls for administration of pain relief by staff.

               5.4         The school has adopted the DCSF guidance ÒManaging Medicines in Schools and Early Year SettingsÓ.

               5.5         For more complex needs the school has adopted the Council For The Disabled Children and DCSF publication ÒIncluding MeÓ



          6.0         Additional Learning Needs (including Special Educational Needs) and Disabilities


The school recognises the particular requirements and consideration relating to additional learning needs (including special educational needs) and disabilities in: lesson plans, school prospectus/induction, facilities for vulnerable students, special training for staff working with additional learning needs students, coordination of exclusion and proactive building planning. 


          7.0         Electrical Equipment [fixed and portable]


               7.1         Portable electrical equipment will be inspected in accordance with Corporate Building Services Technical Briefing Note EM005 Portable Appliance Testing on an annual basis by an authorised body. Staff must not use their own electrical equipment unless it has been inspected by the School Portable Appliance Tester.

               7.2         Fixed electrical checks will be carried out in accordance with Corporate Building Services Technical Guidance Note EM006 Fixed Wiring Periodic Test and Inspection



          8.0         Fire Precautions & Procedures


               8.1         The guidance Fire Safety Risk Assessment - Educational Premises issued by The Department for Communities and Local Government has been adopted.

               8.2         The Health & Safety Manager is the named competent person. He is responsible for implementing the Fire Management Plan by:-


                                       8.2.1         detailing of any significant findings from the fire risk assessment and any action taken;

                                       8.2.2         testing and checking of escape routes, including final exit locking mechanisms, such as panic devices, emergency exit devices and any electromagnetic devices;

                                       8.2.3         testing of fire-warning systems, including weekly alarm tests and periodic maintenance by a competent person;

                                       8.2.4         recording of false alarms;

                                       8.2.5         testing and maintenance of emergency lighting systems;

                                       8.2.6         testing and maintenance of fire extinguishers, hose reels and fire blankets etc;

                                       8.2.7         testing and maintenance of other fire safety equipment such as smoke control systems;

                                       8.2.8         recording and training of relevant people and fire evacuation drills;

                                       8.2.9         planning, organising, policy and implementation, monitoring, audit and review;

                                             8.2.10     maintenance and audit of any systems that are provided to help the fire and rescue service;

                                             8.2.11     the arrangements for a co-ordinated emergency plan and overall control of the actions to be taken if there is a fire, including specific procedures for additional learning needs (including special educational needs) and disabled students;

                                             8.2.12     all alterations, tests, repairs and maintenance of fire safety systems, including passive systems such as fire doors.


          9.0         First Aid


               9.1         The school will follow the statutory requirements for first aid and provide suitably trained first aid staff

               9.2         The guidance issued by the DCSF on first aid for schools has been adopted by the school




              10.0         Glass and Glazing


                   10.1         The school will ensure that all glass in doors and side panels is safety glass. All replacement glass will be of safety standard, and continual assessment of premises where there are areas which due to glass being of low standard and consequently covered in plastic film will be undertaken






              11.0          Hazardous Substances


                   11.1      GCC SHE Procedure Control of Hazardous Substances (COSHH) has been adopted in respect of managing hazardous substances.  Where hazardous substances are used line managers themselves or a designated employee will undertake a Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) risk assessment and adopt a hierarchy of control measures seeking to eliminate or substitute risk first and foremost.

                   11.2      A register of hazardous substances on site is maintained and is available to all staff.  It is kept in the Science Prep room.


              12.0         Health and Safety Advice


                   12.1         Health and safety advice is obtained from Gloucestershire County Council SHE (Safety Health and Environment) Unit,  phone 01452 425349/50 or email


              13.0         Handling & Lifting


                   13.1         Any activities that involve significant manual handling tasks shall be risk assessed and, where required, appropriate training provided for staff.

                   13.2         Managers are responsible for assessing the appropriate approach to handling task and may seek professional advice from the SHE Unit and Occupational Health as necessary.


              14.0         Lettings/shared use of premises


                   14.1         The school follows the guidance issued in Resource Management Factsheet 4: The School Site & Buildings: Use by Governors & Third Parties issued as part of the extended schools guidance  

                   14.2         The Governing Body will ensure that the hirer has public liability insurance in place in order to indemnify the school from all such hirerÕs claims arising from negligence.


              15.0         Lone Working


                   15.1         Line managers will ensure that lone working is risk assessed and that appropriate control measures are put in place to mitigate those risks.  Solutions include the provision of mobile phones, radios, and other means of monitoring staff location.

                   15.2         Staff themselves have a responsibility to ensure their own health and safety and assist in the operation of any systems designed to provide for their safety.


              16.0         Maintenance/Inspection of Equipment


                   16.1         Guidance issued by corporate building services on servicing, testing or inspected is followed and records kept.








              17.0         Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


                   17.1         Line managers will assess on the basis of risk assessment and COSHH assessments the need for PPE. 

                   17.2         Where it is assessed that PPE is required it shall be appropriately selected and provided. 

                   17.3         A record of PPE issue will be made which will include details of any expiry dates so that equipment can be replaced as and when is necessary.

                   17.4         Staff are responsible for ensuring that they use PPE where it is provided. 



              18.0         Risk Assessments


                   18.1         A Risk Assessment Procedure is followed for all risk assessments.

                   18.2         Risk assessment is the responsibility of the schools management at a variety of levels.  Those responsible for premises, curriculum areas and students must ensure that risk assessments are undertaken and recorded for significant activities.


                   18.3         Risks are assessed in a manner that ranks them by severity/probability for prioritisation and control measures identified and put in place that are proportional to the level of risk.  The outcome of the risk assessments are recorded and communicated to those affected and maintained on records of the establishment or service area.  Risk assessments are reviewed periodically or where there is a change in circumstances. 


              19.0         School Visits / Off-Site Activities


                   19.1         The school complies with DCSF and Local Authority guidance on educational visits and school journeys

                   19.2         The SchoolÕs Educational Visits Coordinator has responsibility to:

                                           19.2.1         Support the Head and Governors with approval and other decisions

                                           19.2.2         Assess the competence of leaders and other adults proposed for a visit. This will commonly be done with reference to accreditations from an awarding body. It may include practical observation or verification of experience

                                           19.2.3         Organise the training of leaders and other adults going on a visit. this will commonly involve training such as first aid, hazard awareness etc;

                                           19.2.4         Organise thorough induction of leaders and other adults taking students on a specific visit;

                                           19.2.5         Ensure that the requirements of additional learning needs (including special educational needs) and disabled students are addressed.

                                           19.2.6         Ensure emergency arrangements for each visit and ensure there is an emergency contact for each visit;

                                          19.2.7         Review systems and, on occasion, monitor practice.





              20.0         School Transport


                   20.1         Where staff are required to drive as part of their job, line managers/ Curriculum Team Leaders will detail of any significant findings from the risk assessment and any action taken

                   20.2         The School Mini-bus Co-ordinator will check on a six monthly basis that all school minibus drivers hold a current and valid driverÕs licence and have undertaken county MIDAS training and will ensure that the school has appropriate business insurance and an MOT where relevant.


              21.0         Staff Consultation


                   21.1         The Governing Body, through the Headteacher, will make arrangements for full and proper consultation with employees on health and safety matters.


              22.0         Staff Health and Safety Training and Development


                   22.1         Line managers/Curriculum Team Leaders within the school will undertake a training needs analysis to identify the competency requirements of specific job roles in terms of health and safety, and will ensure that appropriate training is delivered and training records held centrally.  This training needs analysis will be reviewed on an annual basis or on the introduction of new legislation.

                   22.2         Line managers conducting the Performance Management process will consider health and safety performance and address areas of concern with employees

                   22.3         Where new jobs or tasks come on stream or where there are changes in health and safety legislation, or training and competency issues, line managers/Heads of Department will address these as a matter of priority.



              23.0         Staff Well-being/Stress


                   23.1         Managers will include workplace stress as part of the risk assessment process identifying areas of concern e.g. workload, emergency call out, job security etc and implement appropriate control measures, so far as is reasonably practicable.

                   23.2         Where workplace stress arises, managers will deal with the issue in a sensitive and constructive manner using all available means to manage stress and assist staff. 


              24.0         Use of VDUÕs / Display Screens


                   24.1         The majority of staff within the school are not considered to be Display Screen Equipment (DSE) users.  The school will adhere to the GCC Corporate policy, guidelines and procedure SHE/Pro/5 Ð Working with Display Screen Equipment,





                   24.2         Line managers/Curriculum Team Leaders will ensure that DSE workplace assessments are conducted for all users. 

                   24.3         DSE assessments will be reviewed annually and where equipment changes or office layouts change or when there are staff changes.



              25.0         Vehicles on Site


                   25.1         The Governors will endeavour to:

                                          25.1.1            Segregate vehicular and vulnerable (pedestrians & cyclists) traffic

                                          25.1.2            Design-out vehicular and vulnerable traffic route conflicts, both at access and on-site.

                                          25.1.3            Wherever possible avoid same-access for all.



              26.0         Violence to Staff/School Security


                   26.1         Risks to personal security, premises and property will be assessed through the risk assessment process. Security in the school is the responsibility of Headteacher and Governing Body who will liaise with their local Crime Prevention Officer.

                   26.2         Managers / Supervisors / Team Leaders are responsible for assessing the risks of violence to staff.

                   26.3         All staff should be aware of particular risk assessments for additional learning needs (including special educational needs) and disabled students and pay particular note to any additional care needed with managing identified individuals.

                   26.4         Where violence is identified as a significant risk, line managers will ensure that appropriate control measures are put in place. 

                   26.5         Staff must report incidents of violence and aggression in the same manner as accidents.


              27.0         Working at Height


                   27.1         Line managers / Team Leaders will ensure that working at height is risk assessed in accordance with LA guidance and that appropriate control measures are put in place to mitigate those risks. 

                   27.2         Staff themselves have a responsibility to ensure their own health and safety and assist in the operation of any systems designed to provide for their safety.


              28.0         Work Experience


                   28.1         Work experience co-ordinators will ensure that the working practices outlined Work-related learning and the law Ð Guidance for schools and school-business link practitioners and Work experience Ð A guide for secondary schools is followed at all times






              29.0         Workplace Inspections and Premises Risks


                   29.1         Line managers/Heads of Department responsible for premises and or team areas will undertake workplace inspections regularly, on average, every three months. 

                   29.2         The Site Manager will ensure that hazards associated with premises are monitored and controlled.  Legionella checks and holding a copy of the asbestos register on site are examples of significant property risks that are being controlled.

                   29.3         Managers should refer to the Good Stewardship Guide published by Corporate Building Services for more detailed guidance on premises risk.  For further information the Site Manager will contact Corporate Building Services.






































Issue No. 2                                                                          May 2011




Organisational Chart for Health and Safety Management