amended July 2005


to ensure that all pupils and all staff are allowed to reach their potential;

to enhance the self esteem and self worth of both pupils and staff ;

to promote positive attitudes towards equal opportunity and the establishment of good relationships whilst opposing any discrimination based on race, socio-economic background, gender or ability.


The school's mission statement states unequivocally the Catholic Christian belief in the infinite worth of each person. The devlopment of self-esteem, dignity and respect is central to the school's aims. There is, therefore, no place in St Peter's for prejudice or inequality.


ii The governors should

ensure that staff are appointed on their own merits only, according to the Catholic Church's policy on equal opportunities in employment;

ensure that the admissions policy treats fairly all children who seek a place at St Peter's.

iii The leadership team should

ensure that the curriculum itself promotes positive attitudes towards equal opportunities and does not manifest any unjustifiable bias on cultural, ability, gender or racial grounds;

demonstrate in its organisation of the school an understanding of the complexities and subtleties of providing for equality of opportunity;

provide time and INSET to develop the knowledge and skills required in a multi-cultural school and society;

liaise and collaborate with parents over the education of their children;

ensure that all pupils feel the school offers them genuine equality of opportunity;

ensure that every pupil has a fair access to all aspects of the curriculum and to extra-curricular activities;

ensure that the PaL team provides the facility to learn English as a second language, with appropriate funding from the LEA;

monitor learning outcomes and pupil achievements and seek to address any "equal opportunities" issues which may arise.

v Heads of department should

ensure that schemes of work incorporate equal opportunities as part of the curriculum and that the schemes of work do not reflect any unjustifiable bias;

ensure that departmental resources reflect the reality of pupils learning in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society, and promote positive images of all groups within society;

monitor learning outcomes, achievements and choices and seek to address any "equal opportunities" issues which may arise.

vi All staff should

be aware of the rôle they play in creating an atmosphere where all pupils can work together;

actively seek to promote the positive value of Britain's multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society;

ensure that pupils are valued as individuals and as members of a particular cultural or ethnic group;

be aware of the circumstances and influences which affect pupils' lives and attitudes.

vii Teachers should

be aware of the linguistic range of pupils.

4. The execution of this policy shall be monitored by the leadership team.