amended July 2005


to provide an effective learning experience for all pupils through which they are enabled to fulfil their potential.


v Heads of department should

provide departmental units of learning, which meet the requirements of the National Curriculum programmes of study where necessary;
support the continuous development of the teaching skills within their departments through regular meetings and INSET.

vii Teachers should

plan work in accordance with departmental schemes, providing for the range of ability within the teaching group;
plan work based on an understanding of how pupils learn;
encourage pupils to engage in the learning process, and to develop independence in and responsibility for their own learning;
provide an appropriate range of resources which will enable the learning to be effective;
provide an environment in the classroom which is comfortable, tidy and conducive to learning;
provide an atmosphere in lessons where pupils are supported, respected and intellectually challenged, and where they feel independent and equal;
provide pupils with a clear understanding of intended learning outcomes;
provide an appropriate and challenging structure in which intended learning outcomes can be achieved by all pupils in the group;
evaluate learning to inform future planning;
assess achievement and direct learning through application of the school's assessment policy, assessing work both against its own implicit or explicit criteria and against national standards of achievement.

4. The execution of this policy shall be monitored by the leadership team.