amended July 3, 2005

1.         AIMS

To offer a broad, balanced, relevant differentiated and progressive educational experience to students of all abilities. To achieve the best possible results in KS3, KS4, KS5 examinations for all pupils.

2.         PREAMBLE

At KS3 St. Peter’s provides a core of subject to meet with National Curriculum requirements which will prevent gender biased choices and which will not deny equality of opportunity to any pupil.   The school is managing the development of the KS3 strategy according to national guidelines to enable pupils to develop high levels of literacy, numeracy, ICT and thinking skills.  

In the 14-19 curriculum St. Peter’s offers a range of pathways - through its options system - towards assessment at 19 in line with the government’s guidance for 14-19 education.  These pathways enable students to follow courses of study towards certification in GCSE, AS, A2, applied GCSE, AS and A2, vocational qualifications through college link courses and Key Skills accreditation.


(i)        The strategic management group and the leadership team should:

encourage where possible a cross disciplined approach between co-operating departments so that students are enabled to make connections between distinct subject experiences and concepts;

ensure that the 11-14 curriculum provision forms an appropriate foundation for progression to 14-19 curriculum;

evaluate the work of departments;

be responsible for the consideration of changes to curriculum options and timetabling; provide increased support for subject leaders through line management of each subject discipline;

assess the success of examination preparation, revision programmes and results;

ascertain and manage the resource implications of curricular development.            

(ii)       Key Stage 3 and 14-19 Strategy Management Teams should:                       

manage the effective delivery of KS3 strategy; manage the provision of a range of GCSE, AS, A2 and GCSE, AS, A2 applied courses, college link courses and key skills;

ensure that each course helpfully challenges the abilities of all students who are following the course and offers coherent progression throughout 11-19 and beyond;

ensure that the courses taught and the qualities and attitudes engendered are seen as relevant to the world of work and to the requirements of further and higher education;

ensure that all courses taught are seen as relevant to personal needs and through citizenship courses ensure that an awareness of political, economic, social and environmental factors is encouraged;

oversee the provision of appropriate, relevant and challenging enrichment to basic syllabuses taught; management links between key stages in different schools, between schools and colleges, between schools and local businesses and community;

manage procedures for internal monitoring, evaluation and review;

manage assessment, target setting and profiling systems which work towards students understanding their potential, establishing their own action plans and managing individual learning patterns; establish records of achievement which incorporate both teachers and students comments;

oversee the provision for independent study and research through resource centres and ICT;

ensure that guidance for careers and choices of higher and further education courses is an integral feature of student tutorials and profiling.            

(iii)     Heads of School should:

ensure that tutors are well informed of progression routes throughout the 11-19 curriculum and beyond;

encourage links with relevant external agencies;

ensure that pupils and their parents/carers are informed and counselled individually concerning curriculum choices and progression;

encourage all pupils to see the 11-19 curriculum as a part of a whole education which is life long.            

(iv)      Heads of Department should:

implement, manage and evaluate the Key Stage 3 strategy and amend schemes of work to ensure its provision;provide a departmental syllabus free of gender or cultural bias;

ensure that pupils experience a comprehensive and appropriate range of teaching and learning styles;

seek where possible for pupils to be offered the opportunity of participating in residential courses;

aim to maximise the use of the local community.