amended July 3, 2005


to encourage in all pupils an awareness of the larger community, particularly the world of work, and to give students a clearer view of the progression routes and choices available to them when they leave St Peter's.


Careers guidance is co-ordinated by a head of careers, who is supported by the county careers service and appropriate school pastoral staff. Careers guidance is available to all pupils, but particularly from years 9, when all pupils are given an introductory programme.

In KS3, all pupils will work each year on a six-week careers education programme to be run during form period.

There is a full careers programme as part of the pastoral scheme for pupils in KS4. There is a work experience scheme for all year 11 pupils.

Sixth form students are given personal and individual guidance through the head of careers and pastoral staff.

Students are encouraged to see the links between school and industry. Pupils should be encouraged to find out more about industry and employment. It is also important for employers to be informed about new educational developments and qualifications, etc.


i The head of careers should

liaise where necessary with heads of department and heads of year;

liaise with outside agencies such as the county careers service;

liaise with employers and create valuable links with industry;

encourage students to make good, sensible choices for courses and training, from a broad range of options;

encourage and organise helpful and relevant work experience opportunities;

keep parents informed of progress and innovation.

iv Heads of school should

work with the head of careers (at both KS3 and KS4) to create meaningful and relevant schemes of work, so that careers related activities take place during form period.

v The head of English should

ensure that all KS4 pupils have been introduced to formal letter-writing skills, and that they prepare during Year 11 their own curriculum vitæ and practise interview skills, etc, which may contribute to both careers awareness and GCSE English assessments.

vii Teachers should

in their teaching and in their contacts with pupils and students create an awareness of the need for preparation for employment and a sound choice of career;

emphasise where appropriate the relationship between curriculum areas and the world of work;

support the pupils' need for good, clear careers guidance.

4. The execution of this policy shall be monitored by the school leadership team.