Allegations Management Procedures


All concerns or allegations about a member of staff or volunteer should be reported immediately to Margaret White Š Assistant Head/SENCO and followed up with a written account.

(If there is a concern or allegation about Margaret White, it should be reported immediately to Head Teacher).


Margaret White will then contact the Local Authority Designated Officer for Allegations (LADO) for advice prior to investigating the allegation.  This is because it might meet the criminal threshold and therefore any investigation prior to seeking advice may interfere with a Police or Social Care investigation.


The LADO will offer advice on any immediate action required and will assist with employment and safeguarding issues.



Allegations Management Process


If, after the initial discussion with the LADO, itÕs agreed that the allegation needs further investigation, a multi agency meeting will be convened.  This might result in a criminal investigation, a Social Care investigation and/or an investigation to inform whether disciplinary action is required.


If itÕs agreed that the allegation does not meet the criteria, the LADO will record the initial discussion and send a copy to the member of staff concerned.  Any further action will be taken within the school setting if necessary.


Further action

Further meetings might be required and these will be convened by the LADO.  Further information on the Allegations Management process can be found at Appendix 5 of the Government Document Working Together to Safeguard Children (2006).

(The school also operates a Whistle-Blowing Policy which can be found on the school web-site