Geography Department

Geography Department Homework Policy

Geography homework policy

All students will receive a list of homeworks for the academic year, which will be attached inside their homework book. This list will also include a box to highlight the level/grade achieved and a box for parents to sign to acknowledge they have seen the homework and the relevant grade/level.

Year 7-9

Students will complete 12 set homeworks throughout the academic year.  The homeworks will consist of either level-assessed work or preparation for tests that are completed in class.  Students will be awarded a whole National Curriculum level
[L1 – L8].

KS4 GCSE Geography

Students will complete 12 set homeworks [10 for year 11] throughout the academic year that are based upon the examination process.  The homework’s will be graded to the GCSE standard [A*- E].  There will be additional short term homework’s based upon revision and exam technique.

KS4 Leisure & Tourism course.

Y10 will be working towards an external exam in May. During the course of the year they will recieve 12 key homeworks which will be exam style questions based on the unit of work they are studying. This work will be completed in a separate homework book.

Y11 will be completing a controlled assessment throughout the year and rather than homework tasks, they will be asked to complete a first draft of each strand (six in total), which will be assessed and 'to improve' comments given. They will then be given the chance to improve and complete a final draft of each strand. Both the first and final draft will be graded and recorded

Year 12 – 13

Students will complete 12 essay homeworks [10 for year 13] throughout the academic year based upon the questions they are likely to face in the final exam.  The homework’s will be graded to the A-Level syllabus criteria [A*- E].